About us

Kobe's Pet Health is a specialist pet supplement brand created by genuine dog and cat lovers who wanted to give other pet owners the chance to treat their animals with as much love, care and attention as they would a close friend or relative.

Our story began in 2019 when our founder's Samoyed, who had just turned seven years old, started to get a little bit slower when walking and running. Searching for a pet supplement that would give his beloved Henry some of the vitality he had once enjoyed, our founder first set out to research what kind of ingredients were the most effective when it came to a pet's mobility.

He quickly discovered that the available products lacked many of the key components that would give Henry the boost he needed. This provided the spark for the foundation of Kobe's Pet Health, which now has a range of specialist supplements that give treasured pets the care and attention they deserve.

Our mission is to help dogs and cats live a long and happy life. We support this via a range of innovative products that contain the very best ingredients we can source, combined in such a way as to provide optimal performance.

We want your pet to live its very best life. We also know that all pets are individual with unique habits and likes – and that's what keeps us striving for new products that will help them to flourish. We work tirelessly to produce the very best supplements – and we hope they will give you and your pet value for money and the best possible results.

The Kobe's Pet Health Team

Henry, our founder's beloved pet Samoyed.

 Dog Pet