Modern Slavery Policy

Modern Slavery Policy

Worldwide Modern Slavery Policy v4

1. Policy Statement

1.1 Modern slavery is a crime resulting in an abhorrent abuse of
human rights. It is constituted in the Modern Slavery Act (“MSA”)
2015 by the offences of ‘slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory
labour’ and ‘human trafficking’. Over 19 million people around the
world are trapped in some form of forced labour. For this reason, the
Kobe's is dedicated to doing the best that we can to prevent and stop any unlawful behaviour taking place within our supply chain and business.

1.2 Kobe's opposes Slavery and Human Trafficking and will
never knowingly conduct business with suppliers or employees who
engage in such practice. It undertakes to remunerate employees at or
above the minimum wage specified for that area of the world in which
it is conducting business.
1.3 Kobe's conducts as fair as is reasonable practical supplier
audits of its regular suppliers. The audits are scheduled and review
many aspects of the supply chain including the supplier’s policies
towards environment, safety, child labour, quality control measures,
slavery & human trafficking and other legal requirements. The audits
also include onsite visits to our manufacturers.
1.4 Kobe's recognises that raw material procurement in some
parts of the world may operate in a higher risk environment. It
therefore only acquires raw materials through established parties
recognised in its industry who operate quality control regimes and
have either their own slavery and human trafficking policy in place or
screen their suppliers for ethics. In addition in its supply agreements
it requires the suppliers to certify that materials supplied comply
with the laws of the countries in which those companies do business
which would include legislation addressing human trafficking and
1.5 Kobe's recognises that raw material procurement in some
parts of the world may operate in a higher risk environment. It
therefore only acquires raw materials through established parties

recognised in its industry who operate quality control regimes and
have either their own slavery and human trafficking policy in place or
screen their suppliers for ethics. In addition, in its supply
agreements it requires the suppliers to certify that materials supplied
comply with the laws of the countries in which those companies do
business which would include legislation addressing human
trafficking and slavery.
1.6 Kobe's recognise that we have a responsibility to take a
robust approach to slavery. Kobe's therefore requires as and
when necessary, a confirmation from a supplier or contracture or
partner of their position in relations to modern slavery.
1.7 The director(s), CEO, CFO and COO of the Kobe's are
absolutely committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in
our corporate activities, and to ensuring that its supply chains are as
fair as reasonably practical free from slavery and human trafficking.